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A Dark Breeze

For my movie poster, which I developed from my chosen haiku "Over the Wintry" by Natsume Soseki is based on the title of A Dark Breeze. I found that this title was the most fitting to the haiku as the poem gives off a dark and haunting vibe. I played around with the elements of design, techniques and principles of typography to come up with my idea for my movie poster. I played around with use of lines in a curve to represent wind swirls. I arranged the wind swirls to represent a breeze in the form of a tree. I really like the minimalistic design as it adds to the flow of a breeze. The design is very calm and easy is on the eyes compared to that of sharp lines. I use the colours blue and white as they show contrast of dark and light which meant to demonstrate the movie plot.

Thought Process

I first used the exploration through the 3 by 3 haiku to movie titles to come up with a movie plot.

After this I selected the 2 movie titles which I like the most, which was "A Dark Breeze" and "Winter Blues" and further explored with these ideas.

I played around with the elements of design, techniques and principles of typography.

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